
August 1-15

August 1-15

What the World is Talking About


  • Cyber security, which is the subject of our cover theme this semester, were examined and discussed by many institutions. Developing technology, internet and technological devices makes our life easier, while it also causes different problems. There are many cyber vulnerabilities that can harm people even in simple computer games. As an interesting situation is that computer games are constantly used by various groups and companies for money laundering.


  • The United States is accelerating its plan to produce chip on its own territory to response the global chip crisis and China's competition. With the signed Chip Law, over a five-year period the US government will invest more than $50 billion for the development of the industry. But the problem for the United States is that even if chip factories are established, there are not enough specialized workers for these factories to maintain their operations in a healthy way. For this reason, some institutions and companies that will invest in the United States will train workers for the sector with a training program.
  • After world trade ended positive in June, it finished July negative with %1,6. Imports and exports of Germany and the European Union fell in July. The economic downturn affecting the European region,especially in the last ten years, it has deeply shaken Germany and France. While the gradual decrease in the water level in the Panama Canal negatively affects the passage of ships using this route, the crossings may be difficult in the coming period with the continuation of drought and temperature. The Panama Canal is one of the most important transit points in the world and it has the power to affect global trade in any bad situation.


  • In a world where technology and digitalization continue to increase, digital money comes across as an important subject. Many countries are continuing to work on their legal infrastructure to create their own digital money. Russia starts work on first digital ruble in 2017 but then they are stopped working. When they subjected to economic sanctions along with the Ukraine war, they returned to their studies on digital ruble to get rid of the sanctions. According to the planned calendar, the digital ruble is expected to start using in 2024 and its popularity will continue to increase until 2027.


  • Turkey and Egypt leave their political tensions in the past and reached an agreement that will improve the trade of the two countries. Egyptian and Turkish Trade Ministers agreed to increase mutual trade by 50% for the next five-year period. Currently, the trade between the two country is approximately $ 10 billion, with %50 increase it is expected to exceed $ 15 billion.


  • The ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia raised other important issues like; technological, military munitions and drones. Artificial intelligence-supported technological military munitions (tanks, rifles…) more successful against the traditional warfare methods. But when it compared to First and Second World Wars, it’s not that fatal. The fact that the Ukrainian side has a serious inventory of drones, the organization of drone attacks on various military bases and buildings of Russia arouses wide repercussions in the media. Due to the fact that Ukraine developed itself in the field of drones and used them on the battlefield, Ukraine is expected to be pioneer country in drone sector at the end of the war.


  • Iran is one of the important members of oil cartel OPEC that will reach 3.5 barrels in oil production in September of next year. It is believed that Iran will increase the global supply of crude oil during the period when crude oil producers cut their production. Despite all the embargoes, Iran announced that it set a record for both oil production and exports last month.


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